Monday, May 26, 2008

race report haiku

first road bike; first race
climb five miles for fourth. then
seventh at the snake!

I don't have time for a full report, but I did the Wapello-Mediapolis road race on Friday, the Snake Alley crit on Saturday, and I came home with a pair of medals. More details later, but I will say this, a tiny mental slip-up (I was expecting more) cost me top three in the road race, and I nipped two spots to get into 5th at the last topout of snake alley, only to freewheel my way around, thinking I had another lap. I did, however, get the last medaled spot, so I came home with a couple bits of hardware clanging around my neck. What's that kids? I can't hear you! Yeah, yeah, I know they medaled pretty deep, (and it's only cat 5), but hey, it's nice to come home from my first two (geared and sanctioned) bike races with something.

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