Wednesday, May 26, 2010

and on Tuesday there was Track

And it was good.

First sanctioned track event, not too bad, racing 5 & Masters' 30+ in Kenosha. Highlights:
Qualified for the Kilo Sprint final in 2nd
3rd in the the Kilo Sprint Final
Win in the Masters' 30+ 4/5 unknown distance! (uh yeah, pretty small field, but still, it was a win, and I played it pretty well if I say so myself. Attack, counter, repeat, get lucky and hear the bell while I'm out front with a gap.)

Kinda cooked but still plenty of attacks in the 4/5 unknown, I don't really remember. I probably attacked a lot but ended up doing too much work. Story of my life.

Consolation 20 lap scratch: Started kinda patient, chased down a two man Pegasus break halfway through. Dragged the field around and got swarmed in the sprint, in large part because I mistook the lapping leader's bell for our own. Oops.

Still fun. I spent a good 20 laps throughout the night pulling, mostly in vain. Makes for a good workout, but not great results. Still, it's early in the season, and the legs felt good. We'll see.

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