Monday, February 15, 2010

shameless plug

It's been a slow year. Not a lot to report from 2010, save the mundane training and daydreams of the coming season, but I had to put this out there somewhere.

In April 1990 I set out to get my first messenger job in Boston. I poked around for a proper bag, but none of the bike shops had anything, but everyone pointed me to the same place: CourierWare in Cambridge. A little pricey at $100, but I walked out with a handmade bag and a "lifetime" guarantee.

7-8 years on the job, a couple years traveling the world, many sixers and twelves, fetching diapers, groceries, ten years of plain old commuting, until February 2010: I'm down to three of the original seven pockets.

I mail it in to CourierWare, now somewhere up in Vermont, and two weeks later, bam: repaired, totally gratis, and back on the job. That's two months shy of twenty years, still under warranty. Holla.

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