Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Criterium in downtown Chicago!


I don't know where to begin:
1. The city is hosting a criterium in downtown Chicago.
2. Four corners, a wacky chicane, and a couple of "Chicago hills."
3. Cat 5 to Pro!
4. Jumbotron, baby, JUMB-O-TRON!

Say what you want about our Mayor, but he's a big fan of cycling (and hey, let's not forget he's a big fan of scoring the Olympics). What better way to impress the committee than to host a big fat sporting event in the shadow of Buckingham fountain?

It reminds me of Berlin's similar efforts in hosting the first Cycle Messenger Championship, with the hopes of scoring the summer Olympics, but that's a story for another day.

Daley may be crooked and power-mad, but it's always fashionable to hate on messengers, and yet he sometime seems to shine their shoes: "The bike messengers are a breed unto themselves. I got to meet a lot of them so I know a lot of them. They've got a job to do, and like anything else, they are respecting the laws on the road and all that, and the rules."

Word to the Mayor. What's next? Do you think he'll close down the streets for the Tour da Chicago?

The press release just popped today, so settle down, registration's not open yet. Find out more at

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