Friday, March 21, 2008

it's getting sloppy out there

This is what happens when you start to see alley cats crop up in places like St. Augustine, Florida: accidents, cops, tickets, and collisions.

Part of me wants to say "rock on."

However, more of me wants to say "this is grown folks business and you best handle your ride first."

For obvious reasons, my heart's just not into 'cat racing at the moment, but it's true, there's nothing like it, and I surely can't hold it against anyone for wanting to give it a go. But that's the kind of pack you stay out of.

Photos from the event. Whiskey and wheels, indeed.

Why post it? Well, there are lots of 'cats sprouting up everywhere, but I thought this one was worth mentioning if only because it's in a dinky little town with nary a courier in site (iirc, the site of the oldest jail in North America) and because two, yes TWO, of the competitors launched on or over the hoods of cars. A coincidence?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Fuck man. I hate this feeling I get now when reporter's find an interest in something. The people who are eager to play up the dangerous and wreckless side of it to reporters/readers who don't understand are just as much a problem. I'm going to have to fight the urge to comment on that site...